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Protein Domain : IPR011002

Description  This superfamily represents an α-α superhelical domain found in the flagellar motor switch protein FliG. The flagellar motor switch regulates the direction of flagellar rotation and swimming behaviour in certain bacteria []. The switch is a complex apparatus that responds to signals transduced by the chemotaxis sensory signalling system during chemotactic behaviour. CheY, the chemotaxis response regulator, is believed to act directly on the switch to induce tumbles in the swimming pattern [].The switch complex comprises at least three proteins - FliG, FliM and FliN. It has been shown that FliG interacts with FliM, FliM interacts with itself, and FliM interacts with FliN. Several residues within the middle third of FliG appear to be strongly involved in the FliG-FliM interaction, with residues near the N- or C-termini being less important. Such clustering suggests that FliG-FliM interaction plays a central role in switching. Name  Flagellar motor switch protein FliG, alpha-helical
Short Name  FliG_a-hlx Type  Homologous_superfamily
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