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Protein Domain : IPR001252

Description  Malate dehydrogenase ( ) (MDH) [ ] catalyzes the interconversion of malate to oxaloacetate utilizing the NAD/NADH cofactor system. The enzyme participates in the citric acid cycle and exists in all aerobics organisms.While prokaryotic organisms contains a single form of MDH, in eukaryotic cells there are two isozymes: one which is located in the mitochondrial matrix and the other in the cytoplasm. Fungi and plants also harbor a glyoxysomal form which functions in the glyoxylate pathway. In plants chloroplast there is an additional NADP-dependent form of MDH () which is essential for both the universal C3 photosynthesis (Calvin) cycle and the more specialised C4 cycle. The pattern for this enzyme includes two residues involved in the catalytic mechanism [ ]: an aspartic acid which is involved in a proton relay mechanism, and an arginine which binds the substrate. Name  Malate dehydrogenase, active site
Short Name  Malate_DH_AS Type  Active_site
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