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Protein Domain : IPR020941

Description  Sufu, encoding the human ortholog of Drosophila suppressor of fused, appears to have a conserved role in the repression of Hedgehog signalling [ ]. It is a repressor of the Gli and Ci transcription factors of the Hedgehog signalling cascade [], and functions by binding these proteins and preventing their translocation to the nucleus. Sufu has been found to be a tumour-suppressor gene that predisposes individuals to medulloblastoma by modulating the SHH signalling pathway []. Homologues of Sufu have been found in bacteria, though their function is not currently known.This entry represents a domain found in Sufu and its homologues. It is also found in other proteins that are functionally uncharacterised. In eukaryotic Sufu, an additional domain ( ) is found at the C terminus of the protein. This domain binds to the C-terminal domain of the Gli/Ci transcription factors, inhibiting their activity [ ].This domain is also found in Immunity protein YqcF from B. subtilis, a component of one of 6 LXG toxin-immunity modules. It neutralizes the toxic activity of cognate toxin YqcG [ , ]. Name  Suppressor of fused-like domain
Short Name  SUFU-like_domain Type  Domain
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