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Protein Domain : IPR019771

Description  The actin filament system, a prominent part of the cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells, is both a static structure and a dynamic network that can undergo rearrangements: it is thought to be involved in processes such as cell movement and phagocytosis [ ], as well as muscle contraction.The F-actin capping protein binds in a calcium-independent manner to the fast growing ends of actin filaments (barbed end) thereby blocking the exchange of subunits at these ends. Unlike gelsolin (see ) and severin this protein does not sever actin filaments. The F-actin capping protein is a heterodimer composed of two unrelated subunits: alpha and beta. Neither of the subunits shows sequence similarity to other filament-capping proteins [ ].The beta-subunit is a protein of about 280 amino acid residues whose sequence is well conserved in eukaryotic species [ ]. The signature pattern in this entry is a conserved hexapeptide in the N-terminal region of the beta-subunit. Name  F-actin capping protein, beta subunit, conserved site
Short Name  F-actin_capping_bsu_CS Type  Conserved_site
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