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Protein Domain : IPR024642

Description  The SUZ-C domain is a conserved motif found in one or more copies in several RNA-binding proteins [ ]. It is always found at the C terminus of the protein and appears to be required for localization of the protein to specific subcellular structures. The domain was first characterised in the C.elegans protein SZY-20, a centrosome-associated RNA-binding protein that negatively regulates centrosome assembly. SZY-20 and its animal orthologs share three prominent blocks of conservation. The N-terminal block is a short element, which is found exclusively in orthologs of SZY-2. The third block, the SUZ-C domain, is at the extreme C terminus and is defined by a characteristic pattern of two highly conserved glycines and one absolutely conserved proline. The SUZ and SUZ-C domains occur independently in proteins outside of the SZY-20 family. Many of these proteins contain known RNA-binding domains. The SUZ-C domain is a putative RNA-binding domain [ , ]. Name  SUZ-C domain
Short Name  SUZ-C Type  Domain
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