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Protein Domain : IPR048224

Description  In Drosophila, Sema5C was identified as an early development gene, which is expressed in stage 2 embryos with a striped pattern emerging at later stages. Sema5c may play a role in odour-guided behaviour and in tumourigenesis [ , , , , , ]. Sema5C belongs to class 5 semaphorin family of proteins, which are transmembrane glycoproteins characterised by unique thrombospondin specific repeats in the extracellular region of the protein.Semaphorins are regulatory molecules involved in the development of the nervous system and in axonal guidance. They also play important roles in other biological processes, such as angiogenesis, immune regulation, respiration systems and cancer [ , , ]. The Sema domain, represented in this entry, is located at the N-terminal and contains four disulfide bonds formed by eight conserved cysteine residues. It serves as a receptor -recognition and -binding module. Name  Semaphorin 5C, Sema domain
Short Name  Sema5C_Sema Type  Domain
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