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Protein Domain : IPR045060

Description  Phenylalanine-tRNA ligase ( ) is an alpha2/beta2 tetramer composed of 2 subunits that belongs to class IIc. In eubacteria, a small subunit (pheS gene) can be designated as beta (E. coli) or alpha subunit (see ). Reciprocally the large subunit (pheT gene) can be designated as alpha (E. coli) or beta. In all other kingdoms the two subunits have equivalent length in eukaryota, and can be identified by specific signatures. The enzyme from Thermus thermophilus has an alpha2 beta2 type quaternary structure and is one of the most complicated members of the synthetase family. Identification of phenylalanine-tRNA ligase as a member of class II aaRSs was based only on sequence alignment of the small alpha-subunit with other ligases [ ].This family describes the beta subunit. The beta subunits break into two subfamilies that are considerably different in sequence, length, and pattern of gaps. This family includes both subfamilies. Name  Phenylalanine-tRNA ligase, class IIc, beta subunit
Short Name  Phe-tRNA-ligase_IIc_bsu Type  Family
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