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Search results 1 to 3 out of 3 for AT3G28270



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Hits by Organism

Type Details Score
Length: 2066  
Chromosome Location: Chr3: 10538005-10540070
Organism . Short Name: A. thaliana
TAIR Computational Description: transmembrane protein, putative (DUF677);(source:Araport11)
TAIR Curator Summary: AFL1 was first identified by immunoscreening an Arabidopsis expression library with antisera recognizing mammalian β1-integrin. It is a peripheral membrane protein associated with endomembranes and plasmamembrane. Based on overexpression and knockdown phenotypes, AFL1 is postulated to function in regulation of growth and proline accumulation in response to drought. AFL1 protein co-localizes with clatharin coated vesicles and has been shown to interact with itself and several endomembrane associated proteins.
TAIR Short Description: Protein of unknown function (DUF677)
TAIR Aliases: AFL1
Organism . Name: Arabidopsis thaliana
Length: 374  
UniProt Feature
Begin: 1
Description: UPF0496 protein At3g28270
Type: chain
End: 374