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Search results 1 to 1 out of 1 for AT1G04400



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Type Details Score
Length: 3185  
Chromosome Location: Chr1: 1185512-1188696
Organism . Short Name: A. thaliana
TAIR Computational Description: cryptochrome 2;(source:Araport11)
TAIR Curator Summary: Blue light receptor mediating blue-light regulated cotyledon expansion and flowering time. Positive regulator of the flowering-time gene CONSTANS. This gene possesses a light-induced CNT2 N-terminal homodimerisation domain.Involved in blue-light induced stomatal opening. Involved in triggering chromatin decondensation. An 80-residue motif (NC80) is sufficient to confer CRY2's physiological function. It is proposed that the PHR domain and the C-terminal tail of the unphosphorylated CRY2 form a "closed" conformation to suppress the NC80 motif in the absence of light. In response to blue light, the C-terminal tail of CRY2 is phosphorylated and electrostatically repelled from the surface of the PHR domain to form an "open" conformation, resulting in derepression of the NC80 motif and signal transduction to trigger photomorphogenic responses. Cry2 phosphorylation and degradation both occur in the nucleus.The life-time of cry2 signaling state in situ (in planta) is about 16 min.
TAIR Short Description: cryptochrome 2