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Search results 801 to 900 out of 1098 for Microbe-associated molecular pattern

Category restricted to GOTerm (x)



Category: GOTerm
Type Details Score
GO Term
Description: The series of events in which a triacylated bacterial lipoprotein stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a molecular signal. Triacylated bacterial lipoproteins are lipopeptides of bacterial origin containing a nonprotein moiety consisting of three acyl groups.
GO Term
Description: The series of events in which a diacylated bacterial lipopeptide stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a molecular signal. Diacylated bacterial lipoproteins are lipopeptides of bacterial origin containing a nonprotein moiety consisting of two acyl groups.
GO Term
Description: The series of events that contribute to magnetoception in which an electrical stimulus is received and converted into a molecular signal. The stimulus is in the form of an induced electric field resulting from movement in a magnetic field.
GO Term
Description: The series of events involved in magnetoception in which a mechanical stimulus is received and converted into a molecular signal. The stimulus is in the form of torque on particles such as magnetite which respond to a magnetic field.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of cellulose, a linear beta1-4 glucan of molecular mass 50-400 kDa with the pyranose units in the -4C1 conformation, as part of the organization and biogenesis of the cell wall.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of activation of the transmembrane Smoothened-type protein in the mesenchymal cells of the prostate that contribute to the progression of the prostate over time. This process contributes to lung development.
GO Term
Description: Cell motility due to the motion of one or more archaeal-type flagella. An archaeal-type flagellum (also called archaellum) is a non-membrane-bounded organelle superficially similar to a bacterial-type flagellum, but having a different molecular structure and lacking a central channel.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a component of the complement pathway binding to a complement receptor. Such components include both whole complement proteins and fragments of complement proteins generated through the activity of the complement pathway.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of a member of the BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) family to a receptor on the surface of a target cell, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by an extracellular ligand binding to a receptor on the surface of the target cell where the receptor possesses serine/threonine kinase activity, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by an extracellular ligand binding to a receptor on the surface of the target cell where the receptor possesses tyrosine kinase activity, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by an extracellular ligand binding to a transforming growth factor beta receptor on the surface of a target cell, which contributes to determination of organismal asymmetry with respect to the left and right halves.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by an extracellular ligand binding to a receptor on the surface of the target cell where the receptor possesses guanylyl cyclase activity, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by binding of a ligand to a member of the ERBB family of receptor tyrosine kinases on the surface of a cell, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by an extracellular ligand binding to a receptor on the surface of the target cell where the receptor possesses protein tyrosine phosphatase activity, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of events required for an organism to receive a visual stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal. Visual stimuli are detected in the form of photons and are processed to form an image.
GO Term
Description: The series of events required for an organism to receive an auditory stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal. Sonic stimuli are detected in the form of vibrations and are processed to form a sound.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals mediated by the detection of a hormone, and which triggers the apoptotic signaling pathway in a cell. The pathway starts with reception of a hormone signal, and ends when the execution phase of apoptosis is triggered.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals in which an intracellular signal is conveyed to trigger the apoptotic death of a cell. The pathway is induced by the detection of DNA damage, and ends when the execution phase of apoptosis is triggered.
GO Term
Description: The sequence of reactions within a cell required to convert absorbed photons from UV-A or blue light into a molecular signal; the UV-A, blue light range is defined as having a wavelength within the range of 315 to 400 nm.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the rate or extent of the tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway. The tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of tumor necrosis factor binding to a cell surface receptor.
GO Term
Description: Any process that decreases the rate or extent of the tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway. The tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of tumor necrosis factor binding to a cell surface receptor.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a fibroblast growth factor receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands that contributes to the commitment of a neuroblast to a neuronal fate. The neuron will reside in the forebrain.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency or rate at which a cell adopts an anterior neural cell fate, initiated by binding of Wnt protein to a receptor on the surface of the target cell.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency or rate at which cell adopts an anterior neural cell fate, generated as a consequence of a fibroblast growth factor receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a epidermal growth factor receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands that contributes to the commitment of a neuroblast to a neuronal fate. The neuron will reside in the forebrain.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by binding of a ligand to any of the peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (alpha, beta or gamma) in the nuclear membrane, and ending with the initiation or termination of the transcription of target genes.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the series of molecular signals initiated by binding of an extracellular ligand to a Notch receptor on the surface of the target cell that contributes to heart induction.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a retinoic acid receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands that results in regions of the embryo being delineated into the area in which the pronephric kidney will develop.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a fibroblast growth factor-type receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands, which contributes to the progression of the orbitofrontal cortex over time from its initial formation until its mature state.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals beginning with a consequence of a G protein-coupled receptor promoting the exchange of GDP for GTP on the alpha-subunit of an associated heterotrimeric G-protein complex, where the G protein-coupled receptor is not bound to an agonist.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of the C-C chemokine CCL19 to a C-C chemokine type 7 receptor (CCR7) on the surface of a target cell, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of the C-C chemokine CCL21 to a C-C chemokine type 7 receptor (CCR7) on the surface of a target cell, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by a the C-C chemokine type 2 receptor (CCR2) on the surface of a cell binding to one of it's physiological ligands, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of the C-C chemokine CCL2 to a C-C chemokine type 2 receptor (CCR2) on the surface of a target cell, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by a the C-C chemokine type 2 receptor (CCR4) on the surface of a cell binding to one of it's physiological ligands, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of the C-C chemokine CCL2 to a C-C chemokine type 4 receptor (CCR4) on the surface of a target cell, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of the C-X-C chemokine CXCL12 to a C-X-C chemokine type 4 receptor (CXCR4) on the surface of a target cell, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by type II interferon binding to its receptor on the surface of a target cell, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription. Type II interferon is also known as interferon-gamma.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the sensory perception of pain, the series of events required for an organism to receive a painful stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the adenosine receptor signaling pathway. The adenosine receptor pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of an adenosine receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the rate, frequency or extent of the growth hormone receptor signaling pathway. The growth hormone receptor signaling pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of growth hormone receptor binding to its physiological ligand.
GO Term
Description: Any process that increases the rate, frequency or extent of the growth hormone receptor signaling pathway. The growth hormone receptor signaling pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of growth hormone receptor binding to its physiological ligand.
GO Term
Description: Any process that decreases the rate, frequency or extent of the growth hormone receptor signaling pathway. The growth hormone receptor signaling pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of growth hormone receptor binding to its physiological ligand.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of a member of the BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) family to its receptor on the surface of a target cell, which contributes to a cell becoming specified to adopt a mesodermal fate.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of any member of the BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) family binding to a cell surface receptor that results in an increase in the rate, frequency or extent of a Wnt signaling pathway.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 11 (TNFSF11) to its receptor on the surface of a target cell, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by binding of a Wnt protein to a receptor on the surface of the target cell where activated receptors signal via downstream effectors that modulates the establishment of planar polarity contributing to neural tube closure.
GO Term
Description: Catalysis of the reaction: A + 2-oxoglutarate + O2 = B + succinate + CO2. This is an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which hydrogen or electrons are transferred from 2-oxoglutarate and one other donor, and one atom of oxygen is incorporated into each donor.
GO Term
Description: The process of assisting in the covalent and noncovalent assembly of single chain polypeptides or multisubunit complexes into the correct tertiary structure.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of organic substances into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, or within a multicellular organism by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. An organic substance is a molecular entity that contains carbon.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a the binding of the Fc portion of an immunoglobulin by an Fc receptor capable of activating or perpetuating an immune response. The Fc portion of an immunoglobulin is its C-terminal constant region.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by binding of a Wnt protein to a receptor on the surface of the target cell where activated receptors signal via downstream effectors including C-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) to modulate cytoskeletal elements and control cell polarity.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of a member of the BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) family to a receptor on the surface of a target cell, which contributes to the progression of a growth plate cartilage chondrocyte over time.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving melanins, pigments largely of animal origin. High molecular weight polymers of indole quinone, they are irregular polymeric structures and are divided into three groups: allomelanins in the plant kingdom and eumelanins and phaeomelanins in the animal kingdom.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals in which an intracellular signal is conveyed to trigger the apoptotic death of a cell. The pathway is induced in response to changes in intracellular ion homeostasis, and ends when the execution phase of apoptosis is triggered.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by binding of an extracellular ligand to a Notch receptor on the surface of the target cell that contributes to the commitment of a neuroblast to a neuronal fate. The neuron will reside in the forebrain.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of leukemia inhibitory factor to its receptor on the surface of the target cell, that contributes to the commitment of a neuroblast to a neuronal fate. The neuron will reside in the forebrain.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals, mediated by the small GTPase Ras, that results in the initiation of contraction of the contractile ring, at the beginning of cytokinesis and cell division by septum formation. The pathway coordinates chromosome segregation with mitotic exit and cytokinesis.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) binding to its receptor on the surface of a cell, which activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the orderly movement of a cell from one site to another.
GO Term
Description: The specialized cytoskeletal matrix of the presynaptic active zone. It has specialized functions in organizing synaptic events such as immobilisation or translocation of synaptic vesicles, and assembling active zone components. It is believed to form a molecular scaffold that organizes neurotransmitter release sites.
GO Term
Description: The series of events involved in magnetoception in which a chemical stimulus is received and converted into a molecular signal. It is believed that organisms such as birds and salamanders interpret product ratios in chemical reactions which involve transitions between different spin states.
GO Term
Description: The series of events involved in equilibrioception in which a mechanical stimulus is received and converted into a molecular signal. During equilibrioception, mechanical stimuli may be in the form of input from pressure receptors or from the labyrinth system of the inner ears.
GO Term
Description: The series of events involved in magnetoception in which a light stimulus is received and converted into a molecular signal. Downstream processing of the light information in addition to other sensory data allows organisms to perceive the orientation of a magnetic field.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of a dopamine receptor signaling pathway activity. A dopamine receptor signaling pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a dopamine receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the adenosine receptor signaling pathway. The adenosine receptor pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of an adenosine receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the adenosine receptor signaling pathway. The adenosine receptor pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of an adenosine receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of a thrombin-activated receptor signaling pathway activity. A thrombin receptor signaling pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a thrombin-activated receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by binding of Wnt protein to a frizzled family receptor on the surface of the target cell and ending with a change in transcription of target genes that contribute to the formation of the primitive streak.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of cellulose, a linear beta1-4 glucan of molecular mass 50-400 kDa with the pyranose units in the -4C1 conformation, as it occurs in certain types of bacteria, mainly Acetobacter, Sarcina ventriculi and Agrobacteria.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by serotonin binding to a seratonin receptor on the surface of the target cell, followed by the movement of ions through a channel in the receptor complex. Ends with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of a double-stranded DNA or RNA from another organism to cytosolic cyclic GMP-AMP (cGAMP) synthase (cGAS) that activates innate immune responses through production of the second messenger cGAMP, which activates the adaptor STING.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by an extracellular amylin, or another ligand, combining with an amylin receptor 2 (AMY2), a G protein-coupled receptor complex, on the surface of the target cell. The AMY2 signaling pathway can also be initiated by adrenomedullin (AM/ADM).
GO Term
Description: A process mediated by a molecule secreted by a symbiont that results in the suppression of a pattern-triggered immunity PTI signaling pathway. PTI signaling pathways are found in plants.
GO Term
Description: The series of events required for an organism to receive a gustatory stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal. Gustation involves the direct detection of chemical composition, usually through contact with chemoreceptor cells. This is a neurological process.
GO Term
Description: The series of events required for an organism to receive an olfactory stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal. Olfaction involves the detection of chemical composition of an organism's ambient medium by chemoreceptors. This is a neurological process.
GO Term
Description: The process in which metarhodopsin is prevented from generating molecular signals. Activated rhodopsin (R*) is inactivated by a two-step process: first, R* is phosphorylated by rhodopsin kinase which lowers the activity of R*. Second, the protein arrestin binds to phosphorylated R* to de-activate it.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of a member of the BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) family to a receptor on the surface of a target cell, which contributes to the spatial identity of regions along the dorsal-ventral axis of the spinal cord.
GO Term
Description: A molecular function exhibited by a protein that is covalently attached (AKA tagged or conjugated) to another protein where it acts as a marker, recognized by the cellular apparatus to target the tagged protein for some cellular process such as modification, sequestration, transport or degradation.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by glutamate binding to a glutamate receptor on the surface of the target cell, followed by the movement of ions through a channel in the receptor complex, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of the cytokine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) to its receptor on the surface of a target cell, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription. G-CSF binds to the receptor (CSF3R).
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals in which an intracellular signal is conveyed to trigger the apoptotic death of a cell. The pathway is induced by the cell cycle regulator phosphoprotein p53, or an equivalent protein, and ends when the execution phase of apoptosis is triggered.
GO Term
Description: A process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the sensory perception of pain, the series of events required for an organism to receive a painful stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal, in a different organism.
GO Term
Description: The series of events required to receive an umami taste stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal. Umami taste is the savory taste of meats and other foods that are rich in glutamates. This is a neurological process.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of dopamine receptor protein signaling pathway activity. A dopamine receptor signaling pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a dopamine receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the dopamine receptor protein signaling pathway. A dopamine receptor signaling pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a dopamine receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by interferon-gamma binding to its receptor on the surface of a target cell, and ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription. Interferon gamma is the only member of the type II interferon found so far.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by binding of a Wnt protein to a frizzled family receptor on the surface of the target cell, followed by propagation of the signal via effectors other than beta-catenin and contributing to the progression of the heart over time.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals in which calmodulin-dependent protein kinase activity enabled by a CAMKK directly activates an AMPK. The cascade begins with calmodulin binding calcium which in turn binds CAMKK enabling its calmodulin-dependent protein kinase activity. The cascade ends with AMP-activated protein kinase activity.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of thrombin-activated receptor protein signaling pathway activity. A thrombin receptor signaling pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a thrombin-activated receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of thrombin-activated receptor protein signaling pathway activity. A thrombin receptor signaling pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a thrombin-activated receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of an adenylate cyclase-inhibiting adrenergic receptor signaling pathway activity. An adrenergic receptor signaling pathway is the series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of an adrenergic receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by glutamate binding to an kainate-selective glutamate receptor on the surface of the target cell, followed by the movement of ions through a channel in the receptor complex, ending with the regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
GO Term
Description: A molecular function exhibited by a protein that is covalently attached (AKA tagged or conjugated) to a lipid, where it acts as a marker for a membrane, recognized by the cellular apparatus to target the tagged protein for some cellular process such as autophagy.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of the binding of the Fc portion of an immunoglobulin by an Fc receptor capable of inhibiting an immune effector process contributing to an immune response. The Fc portion of an immunoglobulin is its C-terminal constant region.
GO Term
Description: A molecular function that involves direct binding to one of the subunits of a protein-containing complex and promoting the dissociation of one or many subunits. This often happens by changing the conformation of the protein being bound, which decreases its affinity for the rest of the complex.
GO Term
Description: A type of intermediate filament found in the core of neuronal axons. Neurofilaments are heteropolymers composed of three type IV polypeptides: NF-L, NF-M, and NF-H (for low, middle, and high molecular weight). Neurofilaments are responsible for the radial growth of an axon and determine axonal diameter.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of melanins, pigments largely of animal origin. High molecular weight polymers of indole quinone, they are irregular polymeric structures and are divided into three groups: allomelanins in the plant kingdom and eumelanins and phaeomelanins in the animal kingdom.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a fibroblast growth factor receptor binding to one of its physiological ligands, which stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the occurrence or rate of cell death by apoptotic process in the bone marrow.
GO Term
Description: The series of molecular signals initiated by binding of Wnt protein to a frizzled family receptor on the surface of a target cell in the epidermis that contributes to the migration of an epidermal cell along or through a wound gap to reestablish a continuous epidermis.