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Gene : CPD A. thaliana

DB identifier  ? AT5G05690 Secondary Identifier  ? locus:2166439
Name  ? CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC DWARF Brief Description  Cytochrome P450 superfamily protein
TAIR Computational Description  Cytochrome P450 superfamily protein;(source:Araport11)
TAIR Curator Summary  Encodes a member of the CP90A family, a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase which converts 6-deoxocathasterone to 6-deoxoteasterone in the late C6 oxidation pathway and cathasterone to teasterone in the early C6 oxidation pathway of brassinolide biosynthesis. Expressed in cotyledons and leaves. Mutants display de-etiolation and derepression of light-induced genes in the dark, dwarfism, male sterility and activation of stress-regulated genes in the light. The expression of the gene using a CPD promoter:LUC fusion construct was shown to be under circadian and light control. Additionally, the circadian regulation was shown to be independent of BR levels as it remains unchanged in <i>bri1</i> mutant lines. CPD appears to be involved in the autonomous pathway that regulates the transition to flowering, primarily through a BRI1-mediated signaling pathway that affects FLC expression levels, as uncovered by double mutant analyses.
TAIR Short Description  Cytochrome P450 superfamily protein
TAIR Aliases  CBB3, CPD, CYP90, CYP90A, CYP90A1, DWF3

3 Gene Rifs

1 Organism

47 Publications

0 Synonyms


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16 Child Features

1 Cross References

0 Downstream Intergenic Region

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1 Upstream Intergenic Region


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3 Proteins


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9 Data Sets