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Gene : SPA1 A. thaliana

DB identifier  ? AT2G46340 Secondary Identifier  ? locus:2039139
Name  ? SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA-105 1 Brief Description  SPA (suppressor of phyA-105) protein family
TAIR Computational Description  SPA (suppressor of phyA-105) protein family;(source:Araport11)
TAIR Curator Summary  Encodes a member of the SPA (suppressor of phyA-105) protein family (SPA1-SPA4). SPA proteins contain an N-terminal serine/threonine kinase-like motif followed by a coiled-coil structure and a C-terminal WD-repeat domain. SPA1 is a PHYA signaling intermediate, putative regulator of PHYA signaling pathway. Light responsive repressor of photomorphogenesis. Involved in regulating circadian rhythms and flowering time in plants. Under constant light, the abundance of SPA1 protein exhibited circadian regulation, whereas under constant darkness, SPA1 protein levels remained unchanged. In addition, the spa1-3 mutation slightly shortened circadian period of CCA1, TOC1/PRR1 and SPA1 transcript accumulation under constant light.
TAIR Short Description  SPA (suppressor of phyA-105) protein family
TAIR Aliases  SPA1

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1 Organism

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