BAR HeatMapper Plus Tool

This program takes tab-delimited data and reformats them with a colour-scale so that you can easily visualize differences (and paste it into Word or OpenOffice documents!). NEW. You can also copy in queries from Access or other spreadsheet or database programs...the first row should contain the column titles.
  1. Paste tab-delimited data into the box below (Ctrl V); don't worry if the contents wrap.
  2. Enter the value for the image contrast here: (if you don't know the maximal value, the program will automatically determine this)
  3. 1st column also contains names as opposed to values:
  4. Hide values in output?
  5. If you elect to view the values in your output, how many decimal places?
  6. Take log2 of input values (i.e. you are inputting ratios) ?
  7. Colour scheme for negative-zero-positive values: blue yellow red , blue black yellow , or green black red ?
  8. Swap colours (e.g. yellow or red for negative values)?
  9. Show HTML table (no HTML is output if input contains > 1000 columns or rows) ? Show PNG thumbnail image ?
  10. If PNG image is wider than pixels, should I introduce line breaks and numbering ?
  11. Transpose data so that columns become rows (transposed file will be available for download) ?
  12. HTML colour for empty cells: # (See HTML Colour Table, which will open in a new window, and enter the 6 digit alphanumeric code. Default is gray.)
  13. Submit...
Use Data Box

Comments to Nicholas Provart. © 2001 Nicholas Provart.