1. Identify a statistically over-represented element in your gene of interest
← Enter the AGI ID of your gene of interest.
← Enter the # of base pairs in the element.
← Enter the minimum # of occurrences of the element in your gene.
2. Identify a statistically over-represented element in a group of genes
Enter the AGI IDs of your genes of interest, each on a new line
← Enter the # of base pairs in the element.
← Enter the minimum percentage of genes in which the identified element should occur.
3. Identify genes in the genome that contain my element of interest
← Enter the element (2-10 bp). Wobbles in any position are allowed.
Please indicate the wobble using any of the following standard IUPAC wobble codes:
M A or C
R A or G
W A or T
S C or G
Y C or T
K G or T
| |
V A or C or G
H A or C or T
D A or G or T
B C or G or T
| |
X A or C or G or T
| |
4. Identify your element of interest in a group of genes
Enter the AGI IDs of your genes of interest, each on a new line
← Enter the element (2-10 bp). Wobbles in any position are allowed.
Please indicate the wobble using any of the following standard IUPAC wobble codes:
M A or C
R A or G
W A or T
S C or G
Y C or T
K G or T
| |
V A or C or G
H A or C or T
D A or G or T
B C or G or T
| |
X A or C or G or T