To the BAR HomepageThe Bio-Array Resource Arabidopsis Interactions Viewer

The Arabidopsis Interactions Viewer queries a database of 70944 predicted and 39505 confirmed Arabidopsis interacting proteins. The predicted interactions (interologs) were generated by Drs Matt Geisler and Jane Geisler-Lee at the Southern Illinois University. Their current version is Interactome 2.0. The confirmed Arabidopsis interacting proteins come from BIND, the Biomolecular Interaction Network Database, from high-density Arabidopsis protein microarrays (Popescu et al., 2007; Popescu et al., 2009), from Braun et al.'s Arabidopsis Interactome 2011 , from Wolf Frommer's Membrane protein INteractome Database MIND, and over 1190 other literature sources. The interactions in BIND were identified using several different methods, such as yeast two hybrid screens, but also via traditional biochemical methods. Use the links to BIND/MIND/AI/PubMed records that are in the output of this viewer to view further information. All subcellular localisation data is from SUBA4, the Arabidopsis Subcellular Database. These localisations do not include predicted localisations. Additional protein function data is from MapMan. Click here for instructions in a new window

Input your Arabidopsis Gene IDs below.
Filter output to include only AGI IDs in input set
Show only interactions from published data sets
Group similar localisations together
Query MapMan for additional protein information
Search for interactions between interactors

Select databases to query:
Query interactions from BioGrid Inactive
Query interactions from IntAct Active
Query protein-protein interactions from BAR
Query protein-DNA interactions from BAR

Select a published source to query:

You can also upload your own interactions network in SIF or CYS format:

Extend with interactions from BIND/Interactome 2.0
Overlay edges with interactions from BIND/Interactome 2.0

Comments to Nicholas Provart.
Check out AIV2!