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Example: GRMZM2G158252

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  • Data visualization tools for multiple levels of plant data.

    BiologicalLevels-Interactive folding translation transcription phenotype / response spatio-temporal distribution/ perturbation response subcellular localization secondary metabolism primary metabolism metabolism protein networks 3D structure protein sequence I L V F M C A G P T S Y W Q N H K R RNA transcript(sequence, abundance& altenative splicing) A C U G A C U G A C U G A C U G signaling & signaltransduction cascades methylation Me ncRNA & conservedregions outside genes DNA sequence(gene & promotor) . . . A C T G A C T G A C T G A . . . . . . . T G A C T G A C T G A C T . . . . natural variation environment World eFP Plant eFP Tissue & Experiment eFP Cell eFP Chomosome Viewer Interaction Viewer Molecule Viewer Sequence Browser leads to influences “central dogma” of molecular biology
  • Explore data at different scales through a single interface.

    World eFP Viewer
    Plant eFP Viewer
    Experiment eFP Viewer
    Cell eFP Viewer
    Chromosome Viewer
    Interaction Viewer
    Sequence Viewer
    Molecule Viewer
    External Tools
  • Does EIF2 have a broad or narrow expression pattern?

    Heatmap icon

    Use the Heat Map Viewer for an overview of the expression patterns and subcellular localization information of all loaded genes / gene products.

  • Does SIN1 exhibit natural variation in expression?

    World eFP icon

    Use the World eFP Viewer to see natural variation of gene expression patterns in ecotypes collected from around the world.

  • Where is ABI3 expressed?

    Plant eFP icon

    Use the Plant eFP Viewer to see gene expression levels in various tissues of a plant.

  • What is the effect of drought on UBQ4 expression after 6 hours?

    Experiment Viewer icon

    Use the Abiotic Stress eFP View in the Tissue & Experiment Viewer to see the results of many gene expression profiling experiments.

  • Is the CESA10 protein localized to the cell wall?

    Cell eFP icon

    Use the Cell eFP Viewer to see where proteins are localized at the subcellular level.

  • Which chromosome is UBI6 on?

    Chromosome Viewer icon

    The Chromosome Viewer shows where genes are situated on chromosomes.

  • Which proteins are known to interact with AT4G17410?

    Chromosome Viewer icon

    The Interactions Viewer displays protein interactors from our database of 70,944 predicted and 36,306 confirmed interacting proteins, and 1784 protein-DNA interactions.

  • Where are the binding sites on GOS12?

    Molecule Viewer icon

    The Molecule Viewer maps functionally important amino acid residues onto 3D models of proteins and highlights non-synonymous changes from the 1001 Genomes Project.

  • Does AT1G04950 have any known polymorphisms?

    Molecule Viewer icon

    Use the Sequence Browser to explore the genome from the chromosome down to the individual nucleotide level.

  • Don't know which genes to load?

    Use the Expression Angler to describe an expression pattern and search for genes with matching gene expression profiles.

  • Data Sources

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