NASCArrays Information at The BAR

Welcome to NASCArrays information at the BAR. This page hosts meta-information from the NASCArrays service (2002-2013). This information was parsed from text files available on the NASCArrays site. NASCArrays data is on iPlant server. To download experiment data from iPlant, please click on the experiment number. To download the CEL files, please click on the ftp link.

Title:Polycomb Binding Protein
Description:We have identified a gene encoding apolycomb-chromo domain binding protein. Complete knockout of these plants do not lead to a phenotype, but a reduction of gene expression in RNAi line produces a defined phenotype. This argues in favour of a compensation mechanism that is switched on once the concentration of the gene reaches a control level.The aim of the experiment is to search for such compensatory factors that are up-regulated in the knockout line.
ftp Link:ftp Link

Slide Information:
Slide IDSlide NameGenetic BackgroundTissueStock CodeCel File
Cain_1-1_WT1_Rep1_ATH1871Whole seedlings N1092KC001_ATH1_A1-Cain-WT1.CEL
Cain_1-2_WT1_Rep2_ATH1872Whole seedlings N1092KC001_ATH1_A2-Cain-WTIrep.CEL
Cain_1-3_CDB1-Knockout_Rep1_ATH1873Col-0Whole seedlings KC001_ATH1_A3-Cain-CDBI.CEL
Cain_1-4_CDB1-Knockout_Rep2_ATH1874Col-0Whole seedlings KC001_ATH1_A4-Cain-CDB1rep.CEL