NASCArrays Information at The BAR

Welcome to NASCArrays information at the BAR. This page hosts meta-information from the NASCArrays service (2002-2013). This information was parsed from text files available on the NASCArrays site. NASCArrays data is on iPlant server. To download experiment data from iPlant, please click on the experiment number. To download the CEL files, please click on the ftp link.

Title:Differential gene expression patterns in Arabidopsis mutants lacking the K+ channels, akt1, cngc1 an
Description:Background:Release of the caesium radioisotope 137Cs during weapons testing and industrial activity has contaminated thousands of hectares of agricultural land. Ingesting 137Cs has damaging and, sometimes, fatal effects. Most Cs enters the food chain through plants. The generation of _safe_ crops that exclude Cs and can be cultivated on contaminated land requires knowledge about the mechanisms for Cs uptake. Caesium is chemically similar to potassium (K) and might enter plants through K+ transporters in the plasma membrane of root cells. To determine which transporters mediate Cs entry to plants, we have compared the accumulation of Cs and K by wildtype Arabidopsis with mutants lacking specific K+ transporters. Preliminary results showed that Cs concentration in the shoots of akt1-1, cngc1 and cngc4 (obtained from the Wisconsin T-DNA knockout facility) differed significantly from the Wassilewskija wildtype (Ws-2). A cursory investigation of their transcriptome, using the Affymetrix Arabidopsis 8K GeneChip, showed that the expression of several genes encoding K+ transporters differed between mutants and wildtype plants. The aim of this GarNet project is to confirm the previous observations and to identify further genes that are differentially expressed in mutant and wildtype plants and which might impact on Cs accumulation. Methods:Arabidopsis mutants akt1-1 (N3762), cngc1 and cngc4 and their parental ecotype Wassilewskija -2 (N1601) will be sown on MS agar and transferred to hydroponics 21 days after germination. Seedlings will be grown for a further 7 days on full nutrient solution under continuous light in a Saxcil growth cabinet. RNA will be extracted from roots of mutant and parent (control) plants at the same growth stage and twelve complete-genome Affymetrix GeneChips (3 biological replicates of material from wildtype and 3 mutants) are requested to determine the differences in their transcriptome under comparable environmental conditions.
ftp Link:ftp Link

Slide Information:
Slide IDSlide NameGenetic BackgroundTissueStock CodeCel File
Hampton_1-10_akt1_Rep3_ATH1906WassilewskijaWhole roots N3762Hampton_1-10_akt1_Rep3_ATH1.cel
Hampton_1-11_cngc4_Rep3_ATH1907Whole roots Hampton_1-11_cngc4_Rep3_ATH1.cel
Hampton_1-12_cngc1_Rep3_ATH1908Whole roots Hampton_1-12_cngc1_Rep3_ATH1.cel
Hampton_1-1_ws2_Rep1_ATH1638Whole roots N1601Hampton_1-1_ws2_Rep1_ATH1.cel
Hampton_1-2_akt1_Rep1_ATH1639WassilewskijaWhole roots N3762Hampton_1-2_akt1_Rep1_ATH1.cel
Hampton_1-3_cngc4_Rep1_ATH1640Whole roots Hampton_1-3_cngc4_Rep1_ATH1.cel
Hampton_1-4_cngc1_Rep1_ATH1641Whole roots Hampton_1-4_cngc1_Rep1_ATH1.cel
Hampton_1-5_ws2_Rep2_ATH1642Whole roots N1601Hampton_1-5_ws2_Rep2_ATH1.cel
Hampton_1-6_akt1_Rep2_ATH1643WassilewskijaWhole roots N3762Hampton_1-6_akt1_Rep2_ATH1.cel
Hampton_1-7_cngc4_Rep2_ATH1644Whole roots Hampton_1-7_cngc4_Rep2_ATH1.cel
Hampton_1-8_cngc1_Rep2_ATH1645Whole roots Hampton_1-8_cngc1_Rep2_ATH1.cel
Hampton_1-9_ws2_Rep3_ATH1646Whole roots N1601Hampton_1-9_ws2_Rep3_ATH1.cel