NASCArrays Information at The BAR

Welcome to NASCArrays information at the BAR. This page hosts meta-information from the NASCArrays service (2002-2013). This information was parsed from text files available on the NASCArrays site. NASCArrays data is on iPlant server. To download experiment data from iPlant, please click on the experiment number. To download the CEL files, please click on the ftp link.

Title:Direct downstream targets of the transcription factor JAGGED in floral tissue
Description:The aim of the experiment was to identify direct downstream targets of the transcription factor JAGGED that has been reported to be a key regulator in floral organ outgrowth (Dinneny et al. 2004, Ohno et. al. 2004) downstream of floral organ identity genes such as AGAMOUS (Gomez et al. 2005). For the experiment, plant line that is homozygous for the DEX inducible 35S::JAG:GR construct in Ler background and jag-1 mutant in Ler background were used. Plants were grown on soil under long day conditions with 16 h light, with 20° C day temperature and 18° C night temperature. At flowering, siliques and open flowers were removed from the main inflorescence. Plants were recovered from dissection for 18 h. For induction, main inflorescence was dipped into solutions containing 0.015 % SILWET supplemented with 0.1% EtOH for control treatment of (treatment label E) and jag-1 mutant (treatment label JEG), 10µM Dexamethasone (treatment label DEX), 10 µM Dexamethasone and 10 µM Cycloheximide (treatment label D+C), and Cycloheximide (treatment label C). Plants were incubated for 5 hours for induction. Experiment was performed in 3 replications.
ftp Link:ftp Link

Slide Information:
Slide IDSlide NameGenetic BackgroundTissueStock CodeCel File
Schiessl_605-10_cylcoheximide_Rep1_ATH17780562 Schiessl_605-10_cylcoheximide_Rep1_ATH1.CEL
Schiessl_605-11_cylcoheximide_Rep2_ATH17780563 Schiessl_605-11_cylcoheximide_Rep2_ATH1.CEL
Schiessl_605-12_cylcoheximide_Rep3_ATH17780564 Schiessl_605-12_cylcoheximide_Rep3_ATH1.CEL
Schiessl_605-13_EtOH_Rep1_ATH17780565 Schiessl_605-13_EtOH_Rep1_ATH1.CEL
Schiessl_605-14_EtOH_Rep2_ATH17780566 Schiessl_605-14_EtOH_Rep2_ATH1.CEL
Schiessl_605-15_EtOH_Rep3_ATH17780567 Schiessl_605-15_EtOH_Rep3_ATH1.CEL
Schiessl_605-1_EtOH-Cont_Rep1_ATH17780553 Schiessl_605-1_EtOH-Cont_Rep1_ATH1.CEL
Schiessl_605-2_EtOH-Cont_Rep2_ATH17780554 Schiessl_605-2_EtOH-Cont_Rep2_ATH1.CEL
Schiessl_605-3_EtOH-Cont_Rep3_ATH17780555 Schiessl_605-3_EtOH-Cont_Rep3_ATH1.CEL
Schiessl_605-4_dexamethasone_Rep1_ATH17780556 Schiessl_605-4_dexamethasone_Rep1_ATH1.CEL
Schiessl_605-5_dexamethasone_Rep2_ATH17780557 Schiessl_605-5_dexamethasone_Rep2_ATH1.CEL
Schiessl_605-6_dexamethasone_Rep3_ATH17780558 Schiessl_605-6_dexamethasone_Rep3_ATH1.CEL
Schiessl_605-7_dexamethasone-cycloheximide_Rep1_ATH17780559 Schiessl_605-7_dexamethasone-cycloheximide_Rep1_ATH1.CEL
Schiessl_605-8_dexamethasone-cycloheximide_Rep2_ATH17780560 Schiessl_605-8_dexamethasone-cycloheximide_Rep2_ATH1.CEL
Schiessl_605-9_dexamethasone-cycloheximide_Rep3_ATH17780561 Schiessl_605-9_dexamethasone-cycloheximide_Rep3_ATH1.CEL