NASCArrays Information at The BAR

Welcome to NASCArrays information at the BAR. This page hosts meta-information from the NASCArrays service (2002-2013). This information was parsed from text files available on the NASCArrays site. NASCArrays data is on iPlant server. To download experiment data from iPlant, please click on the experiment number. To download the CEL files, please click on the ftp link.

Title:Identifying Y candidate genes
Description:The circadian clock generates biological rhythms with a period of approximately 24 hours. Using microarray experiments, we have previously shown that approximately 16% of the Arabidopsis genome is regulated in a circadian manner (Edwards et al., 2006). Previous work from our lab in modelling the molecular oscillator of Arabidopsis introduced a hypothetical component Y into an evening loop of the clock gene network (Locke et al., 2005). GIGANTEA (GI) was suggested as a strong candidate for Y based on genetic evidence and its close matching of the expression profile predicted by the mathematical modelling. Recent experimental evidence suggests that GI may only partially account for the function of Y. Thus, we are undertaking a genomics approach to identify other candidate genes that match the predicted expression profile of Y. Samples were taken from wild type and lhy cca1 double mutant seedlings from 4 timepoints around the night to day transition (-15mins, +15mins, +30mins and +60mins) after 9 days of growth in 18:6 light dark cycles. We aim to identify genes showing the light induction response predicted for Y around dawn.
ftp Link:ftp Link

Slide Information:
Slide IDSlide NameGenetic BackgroundTissueStock CodeCel File
Edwards_4-10_cca1-lhy15m_Rep1_ATH121094Wassilewskijawhole seedlings Edwards_4-10_cca1-lhy15m_Rep1_ATH1.CEL
Edwards_4-11_cca1-lhy30m_Rep1_ATH121095Wassilewskijawhole seedlings Edwards_4-11_cca1-lhy30m_Rep1_ATH1.CEL
Edwards_4-12_cca1-lhy60m_Rep1_ATH121096Wassilewskijawhole seedlings Edwards_4-12_cca1-lhy60m_Rep1_ATH1_2.CEL
Edwards_4-13_cca1-lhy-15m_Rep2_ATH121097Wassilewskijawhole seedlings Edwards_4-13_cca1-lhy-15m_Rep2_ATH1_2.CEL
Edwards_4-14_cca1-lhy15m_Rep2_ATH121098Wassilewskijawhole seedlings Edwards_4-14_cca1-lhy15m_Rep2_ATH1_2.CEL
Edwards_4-15_cca1-lhy30m_Rep2_ATH121099Wassilewskijawhole seedlings Edwards_4-15_cca1-lhy30m_Rep2_ATH1.CEL
Edwards_4-16_cca1-lhy60m_Rep2_ATH121100Wassilewskijawhole seedlings Edwards_4-16_cca1-lhy60m_Rep2_ATH1.CEL
Edwards_4-1_WS-15m_Rep1_ATH121085whole seedlings N6891Edwards_4-1_WS-15m_Rep1_ATH1.CEL
Edwards_4-2_WS15m_Rep1_ATH121086whole seedlings N6891Edwards_4-2_WS15m_Rep1_ATH1.CEL
Edwards_4-3_WS30m_Rep1_ATH121087whole seedlings N6891Edwards_4-3_WS30m_Rep1_ATH1.CEL
Edwards_4-4_WS60m_Rep1_ATH121088whole seedlings N6891Edwards_4-4_WS60m_Rep1_ATH1.CEL
Edwards_4-5_WS-15m_Rep2_ATH121089whole seedlings N6891Edwards_4-5_WS-15m_Rep2_ATH1.CEL
Edwards_4-6_WS15m_Rep2_ATH121090whole seedlings N6891Edwards_4-6_WS15m_Rep2_ATH1.CEL
Edwards_4-7_WS30m_Rep2_ATH121091whole seedlings N6891Edwards_4-7_WS30m_Rep2_ATH1.CEL
Edwards_4-8_WS60m_Rep2_ATH121092whole seedlings N6891Edwards_4-8_WS60m_Rep2_ATH1.CEL
Edwards_4-9_cca1-lhy-15m_Rep1_ATH121093Wassilewskijawhole seedlings Edwards_4-9_cca1-lhy-15m_Rep1_ATH1.CEL