NASCArrays Information at The BAR

Welcome to NASCArrays information at the BAR. This page hosts meta-information from the NASCArrays service (2002-2013). This information was parsed from text files available on the NASCArrays site. NASCArrays data is on iPlant server. To download experiment data from iPlant, please click on the experiment number. To download the CEL files, please click on the ftp link.

Title:Dark-induced gene expression in sfr6
Description:The sfr6 mutant was identified on the basis of its failure to cold acclimate, and exhibits a marked deficiency in cold-and osmotic stress-inducible gene expression (Knight et al., 1999). We have demonstrated that genes of this type (so-called COR genes) are misregulated if they contain the DRE (drought-responsive element, or CRT; C-repeat) cis acting element in their promoter (Boyce et al., 2003). Micro-array analysis has allowed us to identify a number of COR genes misregulated in sfr6, all of which contain the DRE element. However, these experiments have indicated that other genes, not of the COR group, are also misregulated in the mutant and these do not contain the DRE element. We chose the three non-COR genes that were most clearly down-regulated in sfr6 on our previous micro-array, and identified each as of these as dark-inducible. We now seek to address two questions: (1) Can we discover more dark-regulated genes that are down-regulated in the mutant, and thus identify a second cis-acting element with which SFR6 may be interacting? (2) Do all of the non-COR genes that are misregulated in sfr6 fall into the category of dark-inducible, or is SFR6 likely to be interacting with three or more regulons? For this micro-array experiment, we will subject sfr6 and wild type Arabidopsis, grown in a 16/8-h light/dark cycle, to darkness for 3h or 6h at ambient growth temperature. Under these conditions we see strong up-regulation of the three genes we have identified as dark-inducible, and we see clear down-regulation of expression in sfr6.References. Knight H, Veale E, Warren GJ, Knight MR (1999) The sfr6 mutation in Arabidopsis suppresses low-temperature induction of genes dependent on the CRT/DRE sequence motif. Plant Cell 11: 875-886. Boyce JM, Knight H, Deyholos M, Openshaw MR, Galbraith DW, Warren G, Knight MR (2003). The sfr6 mutant of Arabidopsis is defective in transcriptional activation via CBF/DREB1 and DREB2 and shows sensitivity to osmotic stress. Plant Journal 34: 395-406.
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Slide Information:
Slide IDSlide NameGenetic BackgroundTissueStock CodeCel File
Knight_2-1_wildtype-lt_Rep1_ATH11590Cell culture N1092Knight_1-1_WT-LT_ATH1.CEL
Treatment: After 7 days growing in the conditions described, the agar plate was transferred to a high-light growth cabinet (240 microEinsteins; 16h light-8h dark) for 24h prior to start of treatments. After this time, these wild type plants remained in this high light treatment for 3h before being harvested.
Knight_2-2_wildtype-dk_Rep1_ATH11592Cell culture N1092Knight_1-2_sfr6-LT_ATH1.CEL
Treatment: After 7 days growing in the conditions described, agar plates were transferred to a high-light growth cabinet (240 microEinsteins; 16h light-8h dark) for 24h prior to start of treatments. After this time, mutant and wild type plants were subjected to dark treatment by being wrapped in aluminium foil for 3h whilst control untreated plates remained uncovered in the high-light cabinet. Samples were harvested immediately after treatment.
Knight_2-3_sfr6-lt_Rep1_ATH11591Col-0Cell culture Knight_1-3_WT-DK_ATH1.CEL
Treatment: "After 7 days growing in the conditions described, the agar plate was transferred to a high-light growth cabinet (240 microEinsteins; 16h light-8h dark) for 24h prior to start of treatments. After this time, these sfr6 mutant plants remained in this high light treatment for 3h before being harvested. "
Knight_2-4_sfr6-dk_Rep1_ATH11593Col-0Cell culture Knight_1-4_sfr6-DK_ATH1.CEL
Treatment: After 7 days growing in the conditions described, the agar plate was transferred to a high-light growth cabinet (240 microEinsteins; 16h light-8h dark) for 24h prior to start of treatment. After this time, these sfr6 mutant plants were subjected to darkness by wrapping tightly in aluminium foil for 3h before being harvested.