NASCArrays Information at The BAR

Welcome to NASCArrays information at the BAR. This page hosts meta-information from the NASCArrays service (2002-2013). This information was parsed from text files available on the NASCArrays site. NASCArrays data is on iPlant server. To download experiment data from iPlant, please click on the experiment number. To download the CEL files, please click on the ftp link.

Title:Effect of CaM overexpression on Arabidopsis transcriptome
Description:Effect of CaM overexpression on Arabidopsis transcriptome. Unlike animals, plants are immobile and cannot simply move away from unfavourable environments and thus have developed complex mechanisms to respond to and sense biotic and abiotic signals. These stimuli often lead to tightly controlled changes in cytoplasmic free calcium concentration [Ca2+]cyt termed "calcium signatures" which are thought to be, at least partly, responsible for the specificity of plant responses to the environment. However little is known about how exactly these calcium signatures are decoded into specific end-responses. Calmodulin (CaM) is the most well characterised Ca2+ binding protein and is the primary sensor of changing [Ca2+]. Upon binding Ca2+ CaM undergoes a conformational change allowing binding and activation of a wide variety of target proteins. In plants CaM exists in gene families encoding multiple isoforms. The expression of individual CaM genes can be differentially regulated and isoforms may be differentially localised. Furthermore specific isoforms can bind and activate different target proteins. These features of plant CaM allow the possibility of specificity during calcium signalling in response to specific stimuli. The effect of overexpression of four CaM protein isoforms on the Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptome will be investigated. Ten day old transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings (containing estradiol inducible CaM overexpression constructs) were induced for 9hrs in 5uM estradiol with appropriate water (0.025% DMSO) and empty vector controls.
ftp Link:ftp Link

Slide Information:
Slide IDSlide NameGenetic BackgroundTissueStock CodeCel File
Capper_1-10_E6+water_Rep1_ATH11626Total plant Capper_1-10_E6_water.CEL
Treatment: 0.025% DMSO (water control) for 9hrs
Capper_1-11_E10+estradiol_Rep1_ATH11627Total plant Capper_1-11_E10_estradiol.CEL
Treatment: 5uM estradiol for 9hrs
Capper_1-12_E10+water_Rep1_ATH11628Total plant Capper_1-12_E10_water.CEL
Treatment: 0.025% DMSO (water control) for 9hrs
Capper_1-1_A3+estradiol_Rep1_ATH11617Total plant Capper_1-1_A3_estradiol.CEL
Treatment: 5uM estradiol for 9hrs
Capper_1-2_A3+water_Rep1_ATH11618Total plant Capper_1-2_A3_water.CEL
Treatment: 0.025% DMSO (water control) for 9hrs
Capper_1-3_B8+estradiol_Rep1_ATH11619Total plant Capper_1-3_B8_estradiol.CEL
Treatment: 5uM estradiol for 9hrs
Capper_1-4_B8+water_Rep1_ATH11620Total plant Capper_1-4_B8_water.CEL
Treatment: 0.025% DMSO (water control) for 9hrs
Capper_1-5_C3+estradiol_Rep1_ATH11621Total plant Capper_1-5_C3_estradiol.CEL
Treatment: 5uM estradiol for 9hrs
Capper_1-6_C3+estradiol_Rep1_ATH11622Total plant Capper_1-6_C3_water.CEL
Treatment: 0.025% DMSO (water control) for 9hrs
Capper_1-7_D9+estradiol_Rep1_ATH11623Total plant Capper_1-7_D9_estradiol.CEL
Treatment: 5uM estradiol for 9hrs
Capper_1-8_D9+water_Rep1_ATH11624Total plant Capper_1-8_D9_water.CEL
Treatment: 0.025% DMSO (water control) for 9hrs
Capper_1-9_E6+estradiol_Rep1_ATH11625Total plant Capper_1-9_E6_estradiol.CEL
Treatment: 5uM estradiol for 9hrs