NASCArrays Information at The BAR

Welcome to NASCArrays information at the BAR. This page hosts meta-information from the NASCArrays service (2002-2013). This information was parsed from text files available on the NASCArrays site. NASCArrays data is on iPlant server. To download experiment data from iPlant, please click on the experiment number. To download the CEL files, please click on the ftp link.

Title:Circadian expression of genes:modelling the Arabidopsis circadian clock
Description:Our aim is to study the circadian expression of genes to aid in our attempt of modelling the Arabidopsis circadian clock. Circadian microarray data have previously been published for plants after white light (WL)-dark cycles, using the 8k chip (Harmer et al. 2000). We intend to repeat this experiment using the 26k chips and are coordinating with Dr. Harmer, who is pursuing complementary experiments in UC Davis. Plants will be transferred to continuous WL after entrainment to 12h:12h light dark cycles. RNAs will be harvested every 4 hours over two days, with the same accession and sampling intervals used previously by Harmer et al. The two days of sampling provide internal replication. Our experience shows that this is the most economical design: it is easier to identify rhythms over a two-day timecourse than in two replicates of a single day. Hence: 13 RNA samples on 13 chips in total.METHOD:Seed was sown on MS agar plates with 3% sucrose, imbibed at 4 C for 96 hours. Seed was then entrained for 7 days at 22C, in cycles of 12 hours white light, 12 hours darkness. After 7 days they were transferred to constant white light at 22 C: this is time 0h. Tissue harvested at the time points shown after time 0.
ftp Link:ftp Link

Slide Information:
Slide IDSlide NameGenetic BackgroundTissueStock CodeCel File
Edwards_1-10_62hr_Rep1_ATH11068whole seedlings N1093KE001_ATH1_A10-edwards-62.CEL
Edwards_1-11_66hr_Rep1_ATH11069whole seedlings N1093KE001_ATH1_A11-edwards-66.CEL
Edwards_1-12_70hr_Rep1_ATH11070whole seedlings N1093KE001_ATH1_A12-edwards-70.CEL
Edwards_1-13_74hr_Rep1_ATH11071whole seedlings N1093KE001_ATH1_A13-edwards-74.CEL
Edwards_1-1_26hr_Rep1_ATH11059whole seedlings N1093KE001_ATH1_A1-edwards-26.CEL
Edwards_1-2_30hr_Rep1_ATH11060whole seedlings N1093KE001_ATH1_A2-edwards-30.CEL
Edwards_1-3_34hr_Rep1_ATH11061whole seedlings N1093KE001_ATH1_A3-edwards-34.CEL
Edwards_1-4_38hr_Rep1_ATH11062whole seedlings N1093KE001_ATH1_A4-edwards-38.CEL
Edwards_1-5_42hr_Rep1_ATH11063whole seedlings N1093KE001_ATH1_A5-edwards-42.CEL
Edwards_1-6_46hr_Rep1_ATH11064whole seedlings N1093KE001_ATH1_A6-edwards-46.CEL
Edwards_1-7_50hr_Rep1_ATH11065whole seedlings N1093KE001_ATH1_A7-edwards-50.CEL
Edwards_1-8_54hr_Rep1_ATH11066whole seedlings N1093KE001_ATH1_A8-edwards-54.CEL
Edwards_1-9_58hr_Rep1_ATH11067whole seedlings N1093KE001_ATH1_A9-edwards-58.CEL